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Cookie Policy


GREEN MINING is a startup that has developed an Intelligent Reverse Logistics technology to recover post-consumer packaging efficiently and bring it back to the production cycle. Our traceability system ensures that all material collected is sent for recycling. 

The startup works with registered collectors (signed card for people who have few job opportunities) and seeks to use non-motorized vehicles, such as tricycles, to carry out collections, avoiding CO2 emissions. 


Data Protection Officer 

In accordance with Article 41 of the LGPD, we have appointed a Data Protection Officer (DPO) Mr. Rodrigo Oliveira. Details of our data protection officer, as well as communication with him, are given at the address below: 


Our DPO is trained and responsible for conducting all activities required by the LGPD and the ANPD. 

Cookie Policy 

GREEN MINING respects privacy concerns and values ​​the relationship with everyone who accesses our website and seeks to learn about and use our products and services. 

We use cookie technology on our website to collect information that helps us improve your user experience. We have developed this Cookies Policy so that you can have more information regarding the cookies used by GREEN MINING. 


Our website uses cookies. A cookie is a file containing an identifier (a string of letters and numbers) that is sent by a web server to a browser and stored by the browser. The identifier is then sent back to the server every time the browser requests a page from the server. Cookies can be “persistent” cookies or “session” cookies: a persistent cookie will be stored by a browser and will remain valid until the defined expiry date, unless deleted by the user before the expiry date; a session cookie, on the other hand, will expire at the end of the user’s session, when the browser is closed. Cookies typically do not contain any information that personally identifies a user, but the personal information we store about you may be linked to information stored in and obtained from cookies. 

The names of the cookies we use on our website and the purposes for which they are used are described below: 

  • We use Google Analytics and Adwords on our website to recognize a computer when a user accesses the website / track users as they browse the website / improve website usability / analyze website usage / administer the website / prevent fraud and improve site security / customize the site for each user / target advertisements that may be of particular interest to specific users; 

Most browsers allow you to refuse to accept cookies – for example: 

• Firefox 

• Chrome 

• Safari 

• Internet Explorer 

Remember that the use of cookies allows us to offer you a better experience on our platform. If you block cookies, we cannot guarantee that all functionality will work correctly and you may not be able to access certain areas of our website. Also, it is very likely that certain functions and pages will not work properly. 

Cookie Policy Changes 

As we are always looking to improve, this Cookie Policy may undergo updates. Therefore, we recommend that you periodically visit this page so that you are aware of the changes.