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Privacy Policy

A. introduction 

1. GREEN MINING is a startup that has developed Intelligent Reverse Logistics technology to recover post-consumer packaging efficiently and bring it back to the production cycle. Our traceability system ensures that all material collected is sent for recycling. 

The startup works with registered collectors (signed card for people who have few job opportunities) and seeks to use non-motorized vehicles, such as tricycles, to carry out collections, avoiding CO2 emissions. 

2. We have developed this document with attention to the privacy and protection of the data of our website users, that is, you. When you access or interact with our websites or use our Products and Services, we may process some of your information, your personal data. We have prepared this Privacy Policy in order to clarify how your Personal Data may be treated by us. 

3. The privacy of our website visitors is very important to us, and we are committed to protecting it. 

4. Consent to the Cookie Policy is essential as an integral part of this privacy policy when you first access our website allow us to use cookies every time you access our website. 

B. Policy 

5. Data Protection Officer 

In accordance with Article 41 of the LGPD, we have appointed a Data Protection Officer (DPO) Mr. Rodrigo Oliveira. Details of our data protection officer, as well as communication with him, are given at the address below: 


Our DPO is trained and responsible for conducting all activities required by the LGPD and the ANPD. 

6. GREEN MINING’s Privacy and Personal Data Protection Policy was formulated with the aim of maintaining the privacy and security of information transmitted on the platform. 

7. Pursuant to Law No. 13708/19 (General Data Protection Law), the data collected for contact respect as a basis for treatment: i) the provision of the holder’s tacit consent, and; ii) to meet the legitimate interests of the controller. 

GREEN MINING is committed to Compliance with the LGPD, respecting, among others, the purpose, suitability, need, free access, among other principles, as well as the rights of the holder, including with regard to the purpose of processing such data. 

8. Processing of Personal Data 

When accessing our website, some Personal Data may be collected about you. In this case, we will collect and use your Personal Data in the manner set out below, based on the following legal bases: 

Purpose Personal Data Legal Basis 

Access to websites (website operation, usage and marketing statistics) IP, date and time of access, cookies, geolocation, duration of visit and pages visited. 

Note: For more details about cookies, check our TERMS OF USE on the website. Legitimate Interest; Compliance with legal or regulatory obligations; Holder’s consent 

Sending advertising campaigns and for contact name, surname, e-mail, whatsapp contact Legitimate Interest; Holder’s consent 

9. GREEN MINING will include, in its communications, newsletters, offers and advertising messages sent by email, the option to cancel the sending of this type of message. The storage time of personal data for communication is 5 years, for the above reason, and the cancellation request will be met in the minimum time necessary for its execution.

10. Transfer and Sharing of Personal Data 

Under no circumstances does GREENMINING disclose or sell user information to third parties. 

C. Rights of the Personal Data Holder 

11. The holder of personal data is entitled to obtain from GREEN MINING, in relation to the data of the holder treated by him, in addition to the others described in the LGPD, at any time and upon request: 

I – confirmation of the existence of treatment; 

II – access to data; 

III – correction of incomplete, inaccurate or outdated data; 

IV – deletion of personal data processed with the consent of the holder, except in the hypotheses provided for in art. 16 of this Law; 

D. Third Party Websites 

12. Our website includes links to and details of third-party websites (GREEN MIINING social networks hosted on third-party domains). We have no control over and are not responsible for the privacy policies and practices of third parties. 

However, GREEN MINING cares about the protection of Personal Data, seeking partnerships that are consistent with good treatment and Compliance practices, as well as demanding from such practices. 

E. How do we protect your Data? 

GREEN MINING has technical, administrative procedures, as well as organizational policy to protect your Personal Data against loss, unauthorized use or other abuse. The Data is stored in a secure operating environment that is not accessible to the public.